Flight Performance & Planning — EASA PPL(A) Subject

As a pilot it’s imperative that have a clear perspective of your aircraft’s capabilities. It’s crucial that you know how well — or how badly — your aircraft is performing during the different phases of flight. By studying flight performance & planning during your PPL(A) you’ll learn to understand the performance potential and limitations of your aircraft.


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Flight Performance & Planning — EASA PPL(A) Subject

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Flight Performance & Planning PPL(A) Overview

For every aircraft a pilot flies, he/she must know the answer to several key questions, such as how…

… much runway will I use for take-off and landing?

… well will the aircraft climb?

… far can it fly?

… long can it remain airborne? 

You’ll find the answers to these questions through your study of the theoretical knowledge subject ‘Flight Performance & Planning’.

The centre of gravity is vitally important at every stage throughout a flight, and is emphasised in this subject. The CoG must always remain within the limits specified in the design of the aircraft. If the CoG falls outside of the limits, then aircraft can become uncontrollable and dangerous. Pilots therefore need to fully appreciate the role of the CoG and the implications of failing to acknowledge it.

Students must also consider that the load of an aircraft affects the position of the centre of gravity. Heavy loads alter take-off performance, the speeds that aircraft are safely manoeuvred, and also the landings.

In summary — this subject emphasises flight safety in relation to an aircraft’s performance.

The course can be completed in one day, with the examination taken at the end.



The PPL Flight Performance & Planning examination has 12 multiple choice questions which must be answered within a 45 minute time limit. The minimum pass mark is 75%.


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